
Chinese Makars
Creative writers and Chinese speakers from across the University were invited to attend a series of workshops exploring classic Chinese poets.

Smart at first sight
Does beauty equal brains? According to a series of psychological studies led by Dr Sean Talamas, we are biased to think attractive people are more intelligent.

Discovering the Chanka
Dr Sabine Hyland, Social Anthropology, has conducted ethnohistorical and ethnographic research on the Chanka people of Peru, including the mysterious communication system consisting of knots on strings called khipus.

The Virginia Woolf letters
A unique collection of handwritten letters, photos and first editions, held in the Special Collection Library, offers insight into Virginia Woolf the writer and also fascinating glimpses into Virginia Woolf the woman.

St Andrews to Zambia
Each summer, as part of Project Zambia and the Wallace Group IDEALS project, staff and students from the University travel to Zambia to undertake sports coaching, teaching and development work in local communities.