Award-winning green campaigner from St Andrews attends UN climate negotiations

Monday 28 November 2011

AN award-winning green campaigner at the University of St Andrews is to attend the United Nations climate negotiations in South Africa tomorrow (Monday 28 November).

Jamie Peters, project co-ordinator for the university’s Transitions environmental group was selected to attend earlier this year as part of the 13-strong UK youth delegation.

A key topic for Mr Peters will be youth engagement in the global issue. He is also leading a policy group which specialises in water.

The 25-year-old has spent the last few months helping to fundraise for the trip to Durban, but not just for the British delegates.

He said: “The youth delegation for the UN and I have been fundraising for the trip as well as for a Kenyan delegation who are travelling to Durban from Kenya via bus.

“Fundraising has been the toughest part of the project and goes towards all the work we will do at the UN but a huge thanks to everyone who has helped.”

He described it as a “great” opportunity.

He said: “Young people need to make sure that negotiators and world leaders realise we care about these talks.

“The decisions made in South Africa will affect us as young people for decades to come. We really do make an impact here and want to stress there should be no decisions about us without us.”

While in South Africa one of the main aims of the delegation includes making connections with other young people from around the world.

Mr Peters added: “We also want to contribute to the various youth working groups on various areas of policy that we’re part of and communicate what happens at the talks back to audiences back in the UK.

“Every person, including all young people, have a stake in what countries decide to do about climate change.”

In October Mr Peter won Best Green Campaigner/ Activist at the Scottish Green Awards this year.

The nation award is designed to encourage and reward the techniques of a Scottish campaigner.

Mr Peters was recognised for his work encouraging young people to get involved in climate change issues and volunteer their time.


Notes for Editors

The UK Youth Climate Coalition is a diverse coalition of youth organisations that acts as a resource and a network to help them organise around and campaign on climate change, with members such as the National Union of Students, People & Planet, Made and Envision.

The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, established 1994, is the UN’s official body for coordinating international action on climate change, and has its Conference of the Parties meeting once a year in December, with interim meetings to review progress.

Transition University of St Andrews is a growing movement comprising students, staff and members of the St Andrews community with the aim of working together to combat the global issues of climate change and falling oil supplies as well as reduce carbon footprints.

Contact: Jamie Peters 07545 1798818

Matt Williams, UKYCC Press Officer, +447854 575690, [email protected]

Issued by the Press Office, University of St Andrews

Contact Fiona MacLeod on 01334 462108 / 0771 414 0559.

Ref: (UN 27/11/11)

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