Communications team

Corporate Communications is managed by Christine Tudhope, Head of Communications, reporting directly to Niall Scott, Vice-Principal (Communications) in the Principal’s Office.

The Communications team covers media relations, internal communications, social media management, strategic communications, public affairs and visual communications.

Media enquiries

Head of Communications

Christine Tudhope

Christine is responsible for strategic planning of all internal and external communications activities with the Vice-Principal (Communications). She has oversight and daily management of the Communications Unit ensuring a coordinated and cohesive approach to communications and marketing content across all strategic themes and channels.

Senior Communications Manager
(People and Diversity)

Linda Barclay Isles

Senior Communications Manager (People and Diversity), Linda Barclay Isles works with the Vice-Principal (Diversity) and Executive Officer to communicate key actions, success and initiatives relating to Equality, Diversion and Inclusion (EDI), internally and externally.

Senior Communications Manager
(World-leading Research)

Catherine Thomson

Senior Communications Manager (World-leading Research) Catherine Thomson works with Schools and Departments across St Andrews to share and raise the profile of the University’s research to a variety of audiences including, but not limited to, the public, national and international media, targeted research outlets, academic peers, and potential funders.

Senior Communications Manager

Amanda Skinner

Senior Communications Manager (Sustainability) Amanda Skinner works alongside the Quaestor, Master and Sustainability Operations Group, Sustainable Academic Leadership Group, and Sustainability Leadership Team to develop a strategic plan for key communications and story-telling opportunities around Sustainable St Andrews.

Senior Communications Manager


Daniel Easterbrook

Senior Communications Manager (Digital) Daniel works between Communications and Admissions on the digital strategic plan. He leads on all digital marketing to promote St Andrews new postgraduate (PG) online and short courses, including managing all related marketing data analytics.

Head of Public Affairs

Lindsey Alexander

Head of Public Affairs Lindsey Alexander leads on Public Affairs for the University, liaising with elected officials, policymakers and change groups locally, at Holyrood and at Westminster to take forward the University’s strategic priorities on external engagement at an institutional level.

Head of Community Engagement
and Social Responsibility

Lesley Caldwell

Head of Community Engagement and Social Responsibility Lesley Caldwell works across Communications and the Office of the Principal reporting into the Vice-Principal (Communications) and the Principal respectively. She works closely with Lindsey Alexander in regard to public affairs and across the St Andrews and wider Fife communities, building and advancing partnerships with community groups and providing a point of contact with our neighbours.

Internal Communications Manager

Victoria Herd

Victoria manages all central internal communications channels and functions, liaising with Units and Departments to develop internal communications best practice, guidance, and training. Her role is also responsible for managing student communications with the Students’ Association and Director of Student Experience, working alongside both to develop cohesive and coordinated student communications. Victoria also leads on regular newsletter production and the measurement of content effectiveness with analytics and reports.


Senior Communications Manager
(Visual Communications)

Gayle McIntyre

Gayle manages the visual communications team and holds responsibility for all visual content output. As in-house photographer, she produces and manages the photo gallery of University images for internal and external use. It is her role to strategically plan and create visual content required for student recruitment, student engagement, engagement with external stakeholders, and internal communications. Gayle also advises and supports the Senior Communications Managers in the delivery of strategic themes.

Video Producer

Edward Broughton

Ed is the in-house video producer developing, creating, and supporting all video production using the University brand. This involves creating visual identities for our PG recruitment programmes with Design and Admissions colleagues, developing the St Andrews Online brand, and the production of all related marketing materials for PG recruitment. His work is also key for student engagement, community relations and liaison with external stakeholders.

Post Production Editor

Michal Zagórski

Michal offers wider visual comms support to the team, from devising content, to content creation and post production. He is also responsible for streamlining systems and processes related to content management and the online photo gallery.

Communications Coordinator

Jessica Wiseman

Jes manages the communications office, systems, and processes, coordinates all media enquiries, and provides key administrative support to the unit. She leads on website content and SharePoint management, supports the Communications Network and assists on internal communications, crisis communications, and assorted strategy led projects.

Communications Assistant

Eva Nailard

Eva supports the communications team with media relations, proofing content, crisis communications, and daily admin of the comms office. She also supports internal communications and the production of the weekly staff newsletter In the Loop. As a recent graduate of the University, Eva provides the perspective of a former St Andrews student on comms activity and output.

Reach us by calling +44 (0)1334 46 7320 or emailing [email protected].

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