Dressing to remember

Friday 14 April 2017

Do you, or a family member, have a vintage piece of clothing that brings back fond memories?   

Dr Maggie Ellis, a researcher in dementia at the University of St Andrews, is organising a fashion show with a difference next month… and she needs your help. 

Dr Ellis, whose research examines the communicative abilities of people with dementia, is looking for the donation or loan of clothes for the innovative event to be held in St Andrews on the 21 April.  The aim of the Vintage Fashion Show is to highlight the fact that people with dementia may have and may still be able to tell interesting stories from their past. 

Dr Ellis’ work explores attitudes towards dementia and those living with the illness, and the event will raise money for Dementia Friendly St Andrews, a town-wide campaign she launched last year.

The lecturer at the University’s School of Psychology & Neuroscience, explained, “We are looking for people to either loan or donate to us any pieces of vintage clothing (as late as the 90’s). If it has a story attached to it that’s all the better!  Student models and local school children will wear the pieces of clothing down the catwalk, in this case the church aisle, whilst the compere reads out the story attached to the outfit.

“The idea is that we learn a bit about the history of the person who wore it – highlighting the importance of remembering personhood in dementia. At the end of the show, any pieces of clothing that has been donated and not loaned to us will be sold off in a vintage clothing ‘market’ in the church.”

The Vintage Fashion Show will be held on Friday 21st April (6.30-8.30pm) at Holy Trinity Church, St Andrews.  The event will include live music and tea, coffee and old fashioned sweets will also be for sale.  Entry on the night will be £3.  If you think you can help Maggie with clothes or modelling duties, contact her via [email protected]

Note to editors 

Dr Ellis is available for interview via the Press Office. Contact Gayle McIntyre on 01334 467227 or email [email protected]

Issued by the Press Office, University of St Andrews


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