Further funds forthcoming for Fife
Victims of domestic abuse, sufferers from Long-Covid as well as migrants and disabled children are among those to have benefited from more than £93,000 of funding from the University of St Andrews Community Fund.
In total, 58 community groups around St Andrews have benefited from funding over the past year thanks to the fund which was launched in April 2020 to support groups and activities in St Andrews and the surrounding area.
Although the fund was conceived before Covid-19, it has particularly sought to support groups helping those tackling the pandemic over the past year.
However, the fund is now seeking to widen applications to the latest round of funding to those beyond Covid and a wider area beyond North East Fife.
University Principal and Vice-Chancellor, Professor Sally Mapstone, said: “It has been a great privilege for the fund to have been able to support many of the remarkable organisations in Fife which are helping an enormous range of people at what has been a particularly difficult time for all.
“We are delighted to continue the fund into its second year and hope to see even more groups benefit from funding which we hope will help them continue to support their communities.”
The fund administers three rounds across the year and has recently finished the third and final round of its first year.
Among those with recent successful applications include Peace of Mind Services, which aims to improve the wellbeing of disabled people in Fife, and Heids and Herts Scotland, which was established to create, inspire and promote social connections through community arts projects.
Applications are considered on a case-by-case basis for the minimum amount available of £250 up to the maximum of £3000.
Among the criteria sought by the fund are organisations which widen participation, share knowledge, promote environmental sustainability, promote diversity and inclusion and promote local heritage.
Category Community