International oil debate in St Andrews
An ambitious student-run conference encouraging active debate on important economic issues took place at the University of St Andrews this weekend.
International experts in oil gathered for The St Andrews Economic Forum that promoted an intergenerational dialogue between today’s experts and tomorrow’s future leaders.
The conference “Oil: Challenges and Opportunities” was held from 1 – 2 May 2009 and brought together over one hundred students ranging from universities in Switzerland to Cambridge to listen to keynote speakers.
Among the guest speakers were Dr Herman Franssen, former chief economist of the International Energy Agency, Dr Colin Campbell, founder of the Association for the Study of Peak Oil and Gas and Dr Peter Jackson, graduate of the University of St Andrews and senior director at the Cambridge Energy Research Associates.
At the closing ceremony David Robson from the Scottish Government commended the student-run initiative, emphasising the importance of a multidisciplinary approach when addressing the challenges of modern society.
The St Andrews Economic Forum was founded by the students of the Economics Society in 2006 with the objective of encouraging active debate on global economic issues. It aims to generate awareness of the challenges and opportunities in the oil debate.
Issued by the Press Office, University of St Andrews
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