Public consultation on University plans for Albany Park

Friday 9 August 2019
View south across new courtyard

The University of St Andrews is submitting a fresh planning application to provide 960 student beds at Albany Park and ease the pressure on the town’s housing stock.

The new proposal would see 200 more beds than had been proposed in an earlier planning application which was refused by Fife Council planners mainly due to concerns about flood risk raised by the Scottish Environment Protection Agency.

The proposed development is the centrepiece of a £70 million investment in student accommodation by the University which will create 1100 new bedrooms over and above the 4000 which the University already provides.

View north east towards facilities building entrance

The new planning application, which is expected to be submitted to Fife Council next month, aims to mitigate the concerns of Sepa and other objectors and looks to retain and refurbish Woodburn House and part of the Woodburn complex and preserve a group of trees located in the north west corner of the site, helping to reduce the impact on the nearby conservation area and resolve concerns on flood risk.

A public consultation event will be held on Wednesday 21 August from 2pm to 7pm in Parliament Hall, South Street, St Andrews, at which representatives of the project design team, the University and the development partner Campus Living Villages will outline the new plans for Albany Park, answer questions and hear views from the public.

View east along Woodburn Place

University Quaestor Derek Watson said: “The development at Albany Park is key to the University’s strategy to provide more student accommodation for our students and ease the pressure on the housing stock in St Andrews.

“We welcome the comments made by Fife Council in rejecting the earlier planning application and have revised our plans to increase the number of beds by around 200 which will further improve the overall supply of accommodation in St Andrews.

“The new Albany Park will provide around 960 high quality student beds in an attractive landscaped environment which will improve amenity in the east of the town.

“The development has the potential to revitalise the eastern area of St Andrews and we are looking forward to putting our proposals to the local community and hearing their views.”

View south from Woodburn Place to new Courtyard

In October 2018 the University opened two new student halls of residence, providing 389 student beds.

All indicative visuals have been created by Campus Living Villages.

Issued by the University of St Andrews Communications Office.

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