Record interest in St Andrews prize

Thursday 28 June 2001

The St Andrews Prize has been bombarded with a record level of inquiries from throughout the world since its launch just three weeks ago.

Organisers of the initiative, aimed at people who are passionate about the environment and who have the inspiration to create a practical solution to an environmental problem, have received over 300 inquiries, a six- fold increase on this time in previous years. Interest has come from as far as Croatia, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Israel, Greece and Tokyo. It is hoped that the massive rise in interest will lead to a staggering rise in actual submissions.

Individuals or groups from all walks of life and any part of the world are invited to participate in the 2002 St Andrews Prize, an internationally acclaimed initiative, co-sponsored by the University of St Andrews and energy company Conoco. The winner will receive $25,000 and the support of an elite network of renowned environmental experts. Two runners up will receive $5,000.

No entry forms are required. All entrants have to do is submit an outline proposal on a single sheet of A4 paper by 30 October 2001. A selection of entrants will then be asked to elaborate on their ideas with a fuller submission in January 2002. Three shortlisted finalists will be invited to the University of St Andrews in May 2002 to present their submissions to the Prize Panel, a distinguished group consisting of environmentalists, scientists and industrialists. After two days of presentations and debates, the Panel will select the winner. Further information on the Prize can be viewed at or from The St Andrews Prize Office, University of St Andrews, St Salvator’s College, St Andrews, Fife KY16 9AL, Scotland, Tel 01334 462161, Fax: 01334 462590, email [email protected].


Issued by Beattie Media on behalf of the University of St Andrews For more information please contact Claire Grainger on 01334 462530, 07730 415 015 or email [email protected] Ref: prize2002.inquiries/standrews/chg/2 9june2001

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