Science rocks Fife

Monday 7 February 2011

Some of the most exciting and relevant science taking place within the University of St Andrews will be showcased during next month’s Fife Science Festival (11-20 March 2011).

An exciting programme of events has been unveiled for this year’s event, with the highlight destined to be a free, family fun day organised by the University. The event, taking place within the School of Physics and Astronomy on Saturday 12 March, will incorporate an impressive range of fun and interactive activities and workshops covering subjects as diverse as the underwater world and climate change to our five senses, electricity and radars.

Funded by the Scottish Government, the festival will involve a diverse range of events for schools, the general public and professionals. The event, led by Dundee Science Centre on the back of last year’s Dundee Science Festival, will run in parallel with the National Science and Engineering Week (11-20 March).

The University is also hosting an adult lecture about ‘the battle of the sexes’ (Monday 14 March) and an open day at Bell Pettigrew Museum (Saturday 19 March).  All of the University’s events are free of charge.

As well as the University, Dundee Science Centre will work alongside its Fife Science Festival partners Fife Council, Adam Smith College, Carnegie College, Adam Smith College, Historic Scotland, Hydrogen Office, Museum of Communication and Scottish Fisheries Museum.

As Hannah Crookes, Director of Science Learning and Public Engagement at Dundee Science Centre explained, huge efforts are being made to bring the festival to ‘the people’.

She said, “As part of our commitment to extending Dundee Science Centre learning experiences beyond Tayside, we are delighted to be leading the Fife Science Festival. We’re keen to ensure that our events appeal to all – children, parents and grandparents alongside academics, teachers and school pupils of every age. We’re also keen to bring the festival to as many parts of Fife as possible, with venues you might not necessarily expect to find science including a castle and supermarket alongside more obvious locations such as the University of St Andrews and our local colleges who all play a major role in science education.”

For more information, please call Hannah Crookes, Dundee Science Centre – telephone 01382 868610 or visit


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