Scots trio to be honoured on St Andrew’s day
Manchester United Manager Sir Alex Ferguson, University of St Andrews Rector Andrew Neil and Commissioner for Public Appointments Dame Rennie Fritchie are to be awarded honorary degrees next month.
The St Andrew’s Day ceremony will take place at 2.15pm in Younger Hall, North Street, St Andrews on Friday 29 November 2002. The trio will be awarded Doctor of Laws degrees.
Dr Brian Lang, Principal and Vice- Chancellor of the University said, “The University is proud to honour, on the eve of St Andrew’s Day, three prominent Scots who have, in their own distinct ways, made a significant contribution to Scottish life. Sir Alex Ferguson’s impressive record does not repeating – he has brought great achievement to the sporting life of this country. Dame Rennie Fritchie also plays a very significant role in public life and we are honouring Andrew Neil, partly for his contribution to public life as a Scot, but also for the years in which he has proved a conscientious and successful Rector of this University.”
As well as the conferment of student degrees, the event will also see the induction of 10 University professors, namely:
Professor Ian Boyd, School of Biology
Professor Verity Brown, School of Psychology
Professor Andrew Cameron, School of Physics and Astronomy
Professor R Hugh MacDougall, Bute School of Medicine
Professor Andrew McKenzie, School of Physics and Astronomy
Professor Peter Read, School of Modern Languages
Professor Neil Rhodes, School of English
Professor Michael Ritchie, School of Biology
Professor Hamish Scott, School of History
Professor Christopher Smith, School of Greek, Latin and Ancient History
Members of the public wishing to attend the ceremony should contact Joyce Scott at the University’s Development office on telephone 01334 462110.
 Full biographies of Sir Alex Ferguson, Andrew Neil and Dame Rennie Fritchie available from Claire Grainger – contact details below.
 To send reporters/photographers to the event – or to the robing room prior to the event – please contact Claire Grainger. A photocall will also be held after the event – at approximately 3.45/4pm – venue to be confirmed.
 Graduation/laureation addresses will be available from Claire Grainger approx. one week before the event.
Issued by Beattie Media on behalf of the University of St Andrews For more information please contact: Claire Grainger on 01334 462530, 07730 415 015 or email cg24@st- View University press releases on- line at Ref: hon2002/standrews/chg/21oct2002
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