St Andrews AUT ballot result
An overwhelming majority of staff at the University of St Andrews have voted in favour of accepting a local pay offer made by the University.
A total of 94% of AUT members who took part in the ballot voted to accept the University’s pay of offer of 12.5% over three years.
Of 181 votes cast in the ballot conducted by the local branch of AUT, 170 were in favour acceptance and 11 against. The AUT has confirmed that 43% of its local membership voted. The results were communicated to staff at St Andrews by the AUT this afternoon.
In the wake of the result, the University of St Andrews confirmed that it will honour its offer to staff and that the scheduled examination diet in May will go ahead as planned.
Despite the vote however, the local branch of the AUT has reneged on its promise to honour the ballots results following pressure from the union at a national level.
Despite its disappointment with local AUT’s change of mind, the University has established clear evidence that the vast majority of academic and academic related staff at St Andrews wish to return to normal working and to protect the rights of all students to sit examinations as planned.
Issued by Beattie Communications on behalf of the University of St Andrews. Contact : Niall Scott, tel 01334 462244, mobile 07711 223062
Category University news