Student tutoring reception
Nearly 50 University of St Andrews students who have been supporting teachers in their classrooms are to be thanked at a special ceremony next week (Wednesday 1 May 2002).
The students, who have taken part in the Student Tutoring Programme, will say goodbye to staff from the local primary and secondary schools where they tutored throughout a 10-week period earlier this year.
The programme, an important joint initiative between the University and Fife Council’s Education Service, not only allows University students to visit local schools and support teaching there, but also aims to encourage school pupils to consider moving on to college or university after they leave school. The programme, which is funded this year through the Fife Wider Access Project, aims to raise pupils’ aspirations and motivation for progressing to higher education and to give students the opportunity to develop their social, organisational and problem solving skills.
At present, the programme operates in Beath High School, Cowdenbeath; Buckhaven High School, Buckhaven; Kirkland High School and Community College, Methil Brae; Lochgelly High School, Lochgelly and Madras College, St Andrews.
NOTE TO EDITORS – You are invited to send a reporter/photographer to the event at Parliament Hall, South Street, St Andrews, 6.45pm, Wednesday 1 May 2002.
Issued by Beattie Media on behalf of the University of St Andrews For more information please contact Claire Grainger on 01334 462530, 07730 415 015 or email [email protected] Ref: studenttutors.2002/standrews/chg/24 april2002
Category Student experience