Students link with local employers
St Andrews students and local employers have a new opportunity to work together for their mutual benefit in an initiative being developed by the University Careers Centre.
The Local Internships Network (LINK) Scheme aims to create student work placements and work- shadowing opportunities with local employers. This summer, 25 LINK scheme placements have been offered by employers in and around St Andrews. The LINK scheme has proved popular with students and has attracted over 180 applications.
Penny Law from the Careers Centre says, “St Andrews students are a valuable resource right here in Fife. Our students thrive on a challenge and a LINKS student might be just the person an employer is looking for to deliver a project or undertake a piece of research. As well as intelligence and initiative, St Andrews students could contribute language skills and cultural insights into other countries. Most of the opportunities created by this scheme are open to all students. However, we have particularly encouraged international students, who may not have considered working in Fife, to apply for the scheme.”
A further benefit of the scheme is the development of a network between the Careers Centre and local employers. The Careers Centre is always keen to hear from employers who can offer opportunities to students whether through the LINK scheme or the Job Shop which deals with term-time employment.
The LINK scheme is part of a project funded by the Scottish Executive ‘Fresh Talent: Supporting International Students Challenge Fund’.
Issued by Beattie Media – On behalf of the University of St Andrews For more information, please contact Claire Grainger, Press Officer – 01334 462530, 07730 415 015 or [email protected]; Ref: press releases/pennylaw View the latest University news at
Category Student experience