Students plug into energy incentive scheme

Sunday 15 September 2002

A payback scheme diverting cash saved by energy efficiency into new student computer equipment is to be launched at the University of St Andrews.

The Energy Savings Reward Scheme, which will kick off at the start of the new term (Monday 23 September 2002), will benefit students in the University’s 12 halls of residence with costs saved on electricity consumption directed back into the costs of purchasing additional IT equipment in halls. The remainder of the savings will be targeted towards other energy efficiency measures including controllable light switching for corridors and public areas.

The pilot scheme, part of the Hospitable Climates initiative introduced into the Residential and Business Services department last year, will initially run for one academic year from September 2002. Students will benefit from 25% of all energy cost savings achieved through their own endeavours with up to a maximum amount of £5,000 being invested in additional computers for the residences.

Head of Support Services Hamish Johnston believes the scheme will reap both environmental and financial rewards – “By taking common-sense steps like switching off lights and other equipment when they leave rooms, reporting any dripping showers or taps and using thermostatic valves on radiators, instead of opening windows, students can save a substantial amount of money. We hope that, by launching this scheme, students will have the incentive they need to give more thought to the environment around them.”

Meanwhile, Marco Biagi, Vice- President (Representation) of the Students’ Association has also given full support to the incentive – “It’s great to see that the University is willing to recognise and reward the collective energy saving efforts of the hall of residence communities. As someone with a past of environmentalist campaigning, I give this my complete support and I’m sure the whole student body will embrace it too.” Launched nationally in 2000 by Energy Minister Michael Meacher, Hospitable Climates is an energy efficiency agreement between the UK hospitality industry and the Government’s Action Energy programme and is the only such agreement in existence for the UK service industries. In partnership with Action Energy, Hospitable Climates offers a free advisory service to help reduce energy consumption in the hospitality industry by between 20 and 40 per cent.

There are currently over 100 organisations signed up to the Hospitable Climates programme in Scotland. Hamish Johnston is the 2001 UK Hotel and Catering International Management Association (HCIMA) Hospitable Climates Champion of the Year. He won the award for his outstanding work in promoting Hospitable Climates to other organisations, following the programme’s launch in Scotland last year, and for his excellent work in promoting energy efficiency at the University of St Andrews.


Issued by Beattie Media on behalf of the University of St Andrews For more information please contact Claire Grainger on 01334 462530, 07730 415 015 or email [email protected] Ref: energy/standrews/chg/16sep2002

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