Supporting poetry across Scotland

Monday 11 August 2003

Excluding libraries, The Poetry House at the School of English is the biggest building in Britain devoted to the reading and writing of poetry.

In a bid to develop a network of venues for poets’ reading tours in Scotland The Poetry House, in partnership with the Scottish Poetry Library (SPL) have appointed Lilias Fraser as the National Poetry Audience Development Officer.

Dr Fraser took up her post, supported by the Scottish Arts Council National Lottery Fund, in July 2003 and during her year of office will also be responsible for organising and publicising such reading tours. Another aim is to establish a Scotland-wide mailing list of individuals and organisations interested in receiving information about poetry events.

“I’m really looking forward to spreading the word about poetry events in Scotland – and excited about working with venues to plan some more tours,” Lilias Fraser said.

Professor Robert Crawford, who runs The Poetry House, said: “I am delighted Lilias Fraser will be helping develop the reputation of the University as a place with a deep-rooted commitment to poetry.”

St Andrews already has a highly respected national poetic tradition in the form of StAnza, the only regular festival dedicated to poetry in Scotland. Held annually, it provides the perfect opportunity for people to engage with all forms of poetry and to hear world-class poets reading in exciting and atmospheric local venues. The School of English staff itself boasts a number of highly acclaimed poets amongst its ranks including such worthies as Robert Crawford, John Burnside, Kathleen Jamie, and A L Kennedy. The Poetry House, therefore, looks to build on this tradition by further nurturing, and developing, audiences for poetry throughout the whole of Scotland.


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