Vigil for Ukraine

Tuesday 1 March 2022

More than 600 staff and students gathered at the University of St Andrews in St Salvator’s Quad yesterday evening (Monday 28 February) in solidarity with all affected by the invasion of Ukraine.

St Salvator’s Quad was lit up blue and yellow, reflecting the Ukrainian flag. Speakers at the event included the University Chaplain Revd Dr Donald MacEwan as well as students from Ukraine who are studying at St Andrews. Music and hymns were provided by St Salvator’s Choir. Those attending the vigil were given the opportunity to light a candle.

This event was organised by Refugee Action St Andrews, other student societies, and the Chaplaincy of the University.

Members of the University of St Andrews community stand together in unity against aggression and violence, and in favour of peace, respect and our common humanity.

Children of University staff also attended the vigil in St Salvator’s Quad on Monday evening. Pictured (back row from left): Sasha Booth (6), Matilde Martins e Caneco (6); (front from left): Gabriel Martins e Caneco (8) and Aedan Booth (9), who held up Ukrainian flags they had created for the event.

Issued by the University of St Andrews Communications Office.

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