

Place of birth:



Astrophysics MPhys (First Class)

What is your favourite memory (academic or social) of St Andrews?

This is a really tough one… My favourite academic memory is probably the first time I got to observe with the James Gregory Telescope for one of my fourth year modules. Another memory that really stands out for me is my first ever Christmas Ball – it was Harry Potter themed and the venue decorations were just amazing!

What will you miss most about your time as a student at St Andrews?

My pals, everyone in the Astronomy department, and Rector’s Cafe coffees…

What advice would you give to new students?

Get involved with as much as you can, your time in St Andrews will fly by so quickly you don’t want to regret not trying anything!

What are your plans after graduation?

I’ll be doing a PhD in Astrophysics at the University of Edinburgh.

How do you think the Covid-19 pandemic and global events have shaped the Class of 2020?

I obviously can’t speak for everyone, but it has taught me to take less for granted – I worked very hard during my degree and told myself I’d get to celebrate hard at the end and enjoy spending time with friends and family once everything was submitted, which of course I never got to do due to the pandemic. It all came to a very abrupt end, and I hope going forward we can all be better at enjoying the present more.

Where have you spent your time during lockdown?

It has showed me that I’m much more resilient than I thought I was!

Do you plan to come back to celebrate in person in St Andrews in 2021? If so, what are you most looking forward to about it?

Of course! I’m most looking forward to seeing my classmates and friends all together one last time.