Alexandra McNicol – Doorstep Saints
Place of birth:
Location at time of conferral:
MA (Hs) German and Modern History (With Integrated Year Abroad) (2:1)
What is your favourite memory (academic or social) of St Andrews?
Either my own Raisin weekend as a fresher, or Raisin weekend with my academic kids, I can’t decide! They were a lot of fun, and what’s more, I had the privilege to experience both with my best friend (and academic sister) Hannah, who I met in fresher’s week in 2015.
What will you miss most about your time as a student at St Andrews?
The town – all the special places and being right beside the sea!
What advice would you give to new students?
Look after yourself, ask for support if you need it, and get involved with societies that reflect your interests. Also don’t be afraid to escape the bubble from time to time, it’s good to have a change of scene!
What are your plans after graduation?
Supposed to be teaching English in France if the CV-19 situation improves. Fingers crossed!
How do you think the Covid-19 pandemic and global events have shaped the Class of 2020?
I think a lot of people have become more involved online, making use of social media in a positive way.
Where have you spent your time during lockdown?
At home in Glasgow with my family and wee cat Otto.
Have you taken any positives from the situation?
I was grateful to be able to live with my family during the situation, it was nice to spend time together.
Do you plan to come back to celebrate in person in St Andrews in 2021? If so, what are you most looking forward to about it?
Yes. I’m looking forward to seeing everyone and visiting my favourite places in the town!