Bus deal drives £1.7m savings
Cost-of-living initiative makes record savings for St Andrews staff and students
Cost-of-living initiative makes record savings for St Andrews staff and students
A striking bus-side advertising scheme showcasing the carbon saved by St Andrews students and staff has been launched.
A pioneering project between St Andrews and bus giant Stagecoach offering 75% off bus travel has cut costs and cut carbon.
In the last nine months staff and students have saved over £500,000 in travel costs thanks to a University discount operated in partnership with Stagecoach
Almost 500 people have benefited from a bus travel subsidy offered by the the University and Stagecoach to support students and staff through the cost-of-living crisis.
Email to all staff and students from the Principal, Students’ Association President, and Students’ Association Director of Wellbeing and Equality on the cost of living support available.