Bollywood movie ‘most successful of all time’
CAPTION: Dina Iordanova, head of Film Studies CREDIT: Alan Richardson, Pix A-R
CAPTION: Dina Iordanova, head of Film Studies CREDIT: Alan Richardson, Pix A-R
Leading international filmmakers, critics and film scholars will descend on St Andrews next week, as the University's Centre for Film Studies celebrates its first anniversary.
* Caption - Professor Dina Iordanova *
The recently established Department of Film Studies at the University of St Andrews has secured the showing of an avante-garde Russian masterpiece to local audiences next week. Three screenings of the previously heavily censored film will be shown over two nights in St Andrews and Dundee.
The new Department of Film Studies at the University of St Andrews will collaborate with the local cinema for the first time next week (Tuesday 10 May 2005).