2004 scholarships awarded
Over one hundred students received scholarships to study at the University of St Andrews yesterday (Wednesday 20th October 2004).
The 122 new awards, which were presented to 114 students by Principal and Vice-Chancellor Dr Brian Lang last night vary from £500 to £3,000 per student.
The event had an international flavour with the recipients coming from across the UK, USA and Lithuania. This year’s total eclipses the 89 awarded last year.
As well as support from the University itself, a number of scholarships are generously supported by donors including the Royal Bank of Scotland Group plc, Dr Jack Vettriano and Sir Clement Freud, Rector of the University.
The University is very grateful to the many alumni, friends and organisations who have given support for 14 new Wardlaw Scholarships, 8 University of St Andrews American Foundation Recruitment Scholarships and 17 Royal Bank of Scotland Access Scholarships. These donor- supported scholarships provide financial assistance for the four years of a scholar’s degree programme and help to cover accommodation and other living costs. In most cases these awards have been the determining factor in the student’s decision to attend St Andrews.
Other awards include over 50 entrance scholarships for students studying Mathematics, Computer Science, Philosophy, Modern Languages, Chemistry and Physics & Astronomy. Five Fife Scholarships of £500 and three Mature Student Scholarships will be awarded along with two Adam Smith Thomson Scholarships, which assist students from Forfar Academy studying in the Faculty of Science. In the sporting field, a total of nine golf bursaries, supported by the R&A Foundation have also been awarded this year.
The award ceremony was attended by students, members of staff and scholarship donors including Mr Philip Marsden (MA 1979) who spoke on behalf of the donors, explaining why his family have endowed The Cathryn Marsden Scholarship in memory of his mother.
Liam Murphy, a first year MA (Hons) Psychology, has been awarded two scholarships – The Royal Bank of Scotland Access Scholarship and the Fife Scholarship. He said:
“The financial help that I and the other scholarship recipients receive is not only important from a financial point of view but it makes us realise that there is genuine support from people who want us to succeed in our given field. Many thanks go from all of us who have benefited to the individuals and organisations who are giving their generous support”.
Alex Rougvie, Secretary to the University Scholarship Committee said: “The University of St Andrews is committed to providing an increasing amount of financial support to enable more students to study in St Andrews, irrespective of their financial circumstances. We have been delighted with the standard of the Scholarship applications this year, but at the same time this has made the task of selection even more difficult than usual. I am grateful to my colleagues for their work on this and, as always, to the donors whose generosity has made it possible.”
A full list of awards is available from the Press Office – contact details below.
Issued by Beattie Media On behalf of the University of St Andrews Contact Gayle Cook on 01334 467227, mobile 07900 050103, or email [email protected] Ref:Bursars reception pr 191004.doc View the latest University news at http://www.st-andrews.ac.uk
Category Awards