Bike to work breakfast

Tuesday 19 June 2007

University of St Andrews staff were given a tasty incentive to cycle to work yesterday (Monday 18 June 2007).

Bike to Work Breakfast

As part of National Green Transport Week (18-22 June), cyclists were offered a `Bike to Work Breakfast’.

The treat was aimed at rewarding staff who opt for green transport methods instead of cars, and underlining the University’s commitment to sustainable travel.

The event included the first public unveiling of the University’s new rickshaw. Originally from Indonesia, it previously belonged to a student who left it in halls of residence before leaving the University. It will now be used at various events to illustrate the lighter side of cycling and sustainable travel in general.

Local police officers were also on hand to offer free bike security tagging.

Susan Horsman, Environment Officer said, “Cycling is a quick and easy way to get around St Andrews, as the town is small and relatively flat. By cycling to and from work, staff can get fit while reducing their carbon footprint. The University is working to encourage more staff to choose pedal power, and the Bike to Work Breakfast was a great way of rewarding the 8% of staff who already cycle to work.”


Issued by Press Office, University of St Andrews


Claire Grainger, Press Officer – 01334 462530, 07730 415 015 or email [email protected]

Gayle Cook, Press Officer – 01334 462529, 07900 050 103 or email [email protected]

Ref: biketobreak

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