New head appointed to university court
A new Senior Governor has been appointed to the University of St Andrews Court.
Solicitor and St Andrews alumnus William Berry, M.A. LL.B. W.S., will replace the present Senior Governor Dr Jean Morris on 1 August 2002.
The Senior Governor is elected by the members of Court and plays a leading role in the governance of the University, ensuring that the Court fulfils its objectives in a proper and effective manner. The role includes presiding over meetings of Court in the absence, or request of, the Rector; representing the University on the Committee of University Chairmen (CUC) and other national bodies requiring a lay representative of the University; and working with the Principal in matters relating to the wellbeing of the University.
Mr Berry (62), whose home is at Tayfield, Newport-on-Tay, has been a Solicitor and Writer to the Signet (W.S.) since 1965 and is currently Chairman of Edinburgh law firm Murray Beith Murray W.S., of which he was Senior Partner until his retiral in 2000.
Mr Berry is also a Director of Alliance Trust Plc, Second Alliance Trust Plc, Fleming Continental European Investment Trust Plc, Scottish American Investment Company Plc and a former Director and Chairman of Scottish Life Assurance Company.
His previous appointments include Edinburgh International Festival (Depute Chairman, Edinburgh Festival Society and Chairman, Executive Committee 1985-1989), Royal Botanic Garden (Edinburgh), Museum of Scotland and various charities. His interests include music, including Scottish dance music, forestry, farming and rural and urban conservation.
Welcoming the appointment, Mr Berry said, “I feel honoured to have been elected to this important role at Scotland’s oldest university at a time when it is enjoying such success.”
NOTE TO EDITORS – Photograph of Mr Berry – in jpeg form – available from Claire Grainger – contact details below.
Issued by Beattie Media on behalf of the University of St Andrews For more information please contact Claire Grainger on 01334 462530, 07730 415 015 or email [email protected] Ref: snrgov/standrews/chg/29july2002
Category University news