New solutions for waste management

Monday 6 March 2000

A system using rainwater as the basis for organic compost and a project which could reduce pollution emanating from semi- conductor plants are among the pioneering ideas competing for a prize aimed at finding practical solutions to worldwide environmental problems.

Established by the University of St Andrews in partnership with international energy company Conoco, the St Andrews Prize – which carries the theme “Making Waste Work” – is offering US $25,000 and a medal in return for an imaginative, yet practical solution to waste-related problems.

The prize has attracted entries from over 30 countries, with the judging panel having reduced the mailbag of entries to a manageable shortlist* of 11.

Submissions will be judged by an eminent panel of international Trustees. Covering the fields of science, industry and government, they include Trustees Chairman Sir Crispin Tickell, Convener of the British Government’s Panel on Sustainable Development and a member of the government task force investigating the threat posed to Earth by asteroids and comets; Sara Parkin, Director of Forum for the Future; Professor Sir John Krebs, Chairman of the Food Standards Agency and James Currie, Director-General of DGXI (Environment), European Commission.

The Prize will be awarded at an environmental seminar at the University of St Andrews on Thursday 11 May, which will be attended by Trustees, together with a host of guests with strong environmental interests. They will include Charles Miller Smith, Chairman of ICI plc; Lady Howe of Aberavon CEB, Chairman of The BOC Foundation; The Rt. Hon. The Lord Jenkin of Roding, Chairman of the Foundation for Science and Technology and Dr Caroline Jackson MEP, Chairman of the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Safety Committee.

Further information about the St Andrews Prize can be obtained from our website –

*the shortlist may be subject to further consideration.


Issued by Beattie Media on behalf of the University of St Andrews For more information please contact Claire Grainger on 01334 462530, 07887 650072 or email [email protected] Ref: prizeshortlist/standrews/chg/6march 2000/PR1901


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