Opening doors to higher education

Tuesday 31 May 2005

The opportunities for mature or part-time students to embark on a University of St Andrews degree are to be highlighted next week (Thursday 9 June 2005).

Following last year’s successful pilot event, the Opening Doors event will supply information about returning to study, the courses available, how to apply, opportunities for part-time study and subsequent career prospects. The event will also offer advice on disability issues, moving from college to university and financing studies.

Alison Andrews, Part-time Degree Co-ordinator said, “Opening Doors is an opportunity to chat informally to a variety of people who are committed to lifelong learning. Visitors can meet staff from Admissions and Student Support Services at the University, representatives of further education colleges in Fife and Tayside and some very enthusiastic mature students from our Evening Degree programme. Many mature students do not have conventional academic qualifications, but this does not need to be a barrier to studying for a degree”.

The drop-in event, organised by the University of St Andrews Access Centre, will be held on Thursday 9 June 2005 between 3pm and 7pm in Younger Hall, North Street, St Andrews.

For more information, please contact Admissions: Continuing Education, 66 North Street, St Andrews KY16 9AH – telephone 01334 462346/462203 or email parttime@st- or access@st-


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