Part-time student awarded provost’s prize

Thursday 15 September 2005

A newly-graduated part-time student at the University of St Andrews has been rewarded for her achievements over the last year.

Margaret Ferguson, a 62 year old grandmother of five, is the fifth recipient of the annual Fife Council Provost’s Prize, and has been singled out for her dedication in the 2004-05 session. Described as ‘a tonic to the evening classes’, Margaret was nominated Student of the Year for her dedication and her no-nonsense approach to tutorial discussions.

Margaret, originally from Toronto, entered the University’s part-time degree programme four years ago, having already been a student here in the 1970’s. Margaret’s initial spell at St Andrews was brought to a premature close after she gave birth to her sixth child and the pressure became too much for Margaret to complete her degree. After watching her three daughters graduate, Margaret decided to return to St Andrews in 2001, enrolling on the newly launched part-time Evening Degree initiative.

Aimed at adults over the age of 21, a General MA degree can be obtained within 3 to 9 years, depending on prior qualifications and whether the student prefers to study one or two sessions a week. The first cohort of part-time students graduated in 2004. Margaret graduated in the summer with a Master of Arts degree, studying English, History, Human Biology, Divinity, Psychology, Art History, Philosophy, Economics and IT along the way.

Margaret was ‘delighted and amazed’ to receive the award, following last year’s winner Wilma Reekie from Pittenweem. She was formally honoured at a reception in St Andrews last night (Thursday 15th September 2005), which was attended by Councillor Andrew Paterson, Depute Provost, the University’s Co-ordinator of Part- time Degrees, Alison Andrews, Vice- Principal (Learning & Teaching) Professor Ron Piper and the Dean of Arts, Professor Christopher Smith.

The reception was also held for the 30 new students about to begin their part-time degree studies this year.

Students returning to study after a gap are eased back into the way of things with a specially- designed study skills programme at the start of the course. Various financial arrangements are also in place to help those on low incomes take advantage of this flexible academic programme.

Further information about the degree course can be obtained from Alison Andrews, Co-ordinator of Part-time Degrees: Continuing Education, Admissions, St Katherine’s West, The Scores KY16 9AX, telephone 01334 462203, [email protected]


Issued by Beattie Media On behalf of the University of St Andrews Contact Gayle Cook on 01334 467227, mobile 07900 050103, or email [email protected] Ref: Provosts Prize 150905 View the latest University news at

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