Pupils put through their paces

Tuesday 18 November 2008

School pupils from across Fife were put through their paces at the University of St Andrews last week.

On Tuesday 11th November the Department of Sport and Exercise played host to around 60 pupils from six different high schools in Fife.

Debby Sargent, Performance Sport Manager from the Department of Sport & Exercise joined forces with Vicky Torrance from WHAN (Working in Health Access Network) to set up a day of activities that would challenge the students both mentally and physically.

Debby said, “The aim of the day was to highlight the many different ways in which health professionals can link in with sport.

“It gave the youngsters an insight into how sports performers are supported by a team of people, often behind the scenes.”

After a brief introduction the students completed a series of fitness challenges. The assessments included a Vertical Jump test to measure lower body power output, the Illinois Agility Test which gives a measure of the participant’s ability to change direction at speed and give an indication of upper body power through an explosive start. Pupils also completed a series of maximum sprints to assess maximum velocity, acceleration speed, lower body strength and power.

Debby Sargent provided an informative powerpoint presentation, highlighting the need for optimal calorie consumption for both the recreational exerciser and the elite athlete.

After lunch the students then had three, thirty minute ‘taster’ sessions on subjects covering Sports Psychology, Speed, Agility and Plyometrics and Strength & Conditioning presented by Ian Gaunt (Sports Development Manager), Allan Gartshore (Fitness & Conditioning Manager) and Debby Sargent.

At the end of the day-long programme the students were shown a short video montage on volunteering for sport, presented by Ian Gaunt.

Debby said, “This was a fascinating insight to Ian’s previous work on a project that helped provide support and encouragement to under-privileged children growing up in Zambia.  It was a fitting end to the day’s activities and we hope to introduce the project to St Andrews students in the near future.”

Throughout the day the Department staff were supported by four Performance Sports Athletes, Georgia Wade (Ladies Lacrosse), Harry Duthie and Steve Curry (Men’s Rugby), and Tom Crammond (Waterpolo).



For further information please contact the Department of Sport & Exercise on 01334 462190.

Issued by the Press Office, University of St Andrews
Contact Fiona Armstrong, Press Officer on 01334 462530 / 462529, Mobile: 07730 415 015 or Email: [email protected]
Ref:  Sports Challenge 17/11/08
View the latest University press releases at www.st-andrews.ac.uk

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