St Andrews launches latest funding pot with cash for environmental projects

Wednesday 24 January 2024

The University of St Andrews has today (Wednesday 24 January) launched the first round of this year’s Community Fund to support projects across Fife with awards of up to £3000.

Now in its fourth year, the Community Fund has supported 120 organisations and charities across the Kingdom with grants totalling £230,000.

Designed to increase engagement between the University and the wider Fife community, funds can be used to benefit community groups and registered charities, promote knowledge, diversity and inclusion, widen participation and celebrate an area’s heritage. Local groups and organisations promoting environmental sustainability are particularly encouraged to apply in this round.

Projects to benefit recently include Largo Communities Together for a Beach Walker, which will improve accessibility, the Byre Youth Theatre to support their early years activities, which includes the ‘Tinies’ and ‘Teenies’ classes, and People Learning about Nature in Tayport (PLANT) for their fruit tree initiative, a Fife-wide partnership project in association with Climate Action Fife that aims to work with communities to establish growing spaces and community orchards.

The latest funding round was announced by Principal and Vice-Chancellor Professor Dame Sally Mapstone at an event held at the University last week to showcase local projects and mark three full years of the fund.

In her speech, Professor Mapstone said the core University offer to the fund is £30,000 per year but donations from private donors have substantially extended the fund.

She said: “This is a true recognition of the connection that alumni and supporters feel not only with the University but also with the town and its wider community.”

Following the reception, guests had the opportunity to browse a colourful array of stalls in Upper College Hall, hosted by 25 groups which have benefited from the University Community Fund.

During this drop-in session, community groups made connections with each other, and members of the University community were able to drop in to learn more about local projects and find out about volunteering opportunities.

Pictured are representatives of some of the local groups who attended an event at the University last week to celebrate three years of the University Community Fund.

Link to all photos: 2024 01 18 UCF Celebration

Images are also available in print and web sizes.

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