The 100th student graduates with St Andrews evening degree

Tuesday 11 October 2011

Photo: from right to left: Dr Laurence Lasselle, Pro Dean of Arts; Lynn Robertson (Evening Degree 100th Graduate); Councillor Frances Melville, Provost of Fife Council; Claire Gorgon, Evening Degree Student of the Year 2010-11; Nicky Haxell, Evening Degree Co-ordinator. Photo courtesy of Dawn White Photography, Newport-on-Tay

THE University of St Andrews is celebrating the 100th person to graduate from its evening degree programme.

Lynn Robertson, from Menzieshill, Dundee, graduated with a Master of Arts degree with Distinction this summer.

Her achievement was recognised at a ceremony held to welcome the latest cohort to the programme. A welcome reception was held at the Gateway building for the 32 new students who hope to follow in Lynn’s footsteps.

Dr Laurence Lasselle, Pro Dean in the Faculty of Arts gave a welcome address to the latest recruits at the event.

Also recognised was Claire Gorgon who also graduated this summer, combing her studies with work and family commitments.

Claire, from Peat Inn, was awarded the Fife Council Provost’s Prize for Evening Degree Student of the Year.

The prize was presented to Claire by Councillor Frances Melville, Fife Provost.

Nicky Haxell, programme coordinator, said: “The Evening Degree at St Andrews has acknowledged the achievements of many students over the years, and Claire and Lynn are among the most outstanding.

“Both have worked tremendously hard over their years of study, combining the highest levels of academic work with jobs and family pressures.

“I can also say that both have remained cheerful and a positive inspiration to others on the programme – at all times, even when they had deadlines looming. I am delighted that both have been recognised with these awards”.

Claire joined the Evening Degree programme in 2006, and graduated with distinctions in Psychology, Biology, Information Technology, Geography, Physics & Astronomy, and Philosophy as well as in her Music module.

She was twice awarded the Dean’s List award for academic excellence, in 2008-09 and in 2010-11, and gained the School of Physics’ Medal for the Physical Universe module.

Tutors described Claire as an enthusiastic member of class and as having been a positive inspiration and support to her fellow students over the years.

The Evening Degree at St Andrews was set up in 2000 as a General Arts degree to allow mature students to combine studies with work or other commitments.

This year saw the first BSc General Degree students graduate.

The flexible structure of the programme enables students to study and progress at the own pace.

For further information about the programme and an application pack for February 2012 entry, please contact: Nicky Haxell, Evening Degree Co-ordinator, on 01334 462203;;




Currently there are 180 students on the evening degree programme at the University of St Andrews.

The Gateway reception was held on Tuesday 13 September.

Issued by the Press Office, University of St Andrews

Contact Fiona MacLeod on 01334 462108/ 0771 414 0559.

Ref: (eveningdegree 10/10/11)

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