World-renowned statesman to lecture at university

Monday 13 November 2000

The University of St Andrews is offering a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to hear a lecture by one of the world’s greatest statesmen.

Carl Bildt, the UN Secretary General’s Special Envoy in the Balkans and former Swedish Prime Minister, is to give the St Andrew’s Day International Lecture on Global Peace and Security on the morning of Thursday 30 November 2000.

To be introduced by Menzies Campbell MP, the lecture will be followed by the presentation of a fellowship and medal which will be awarded by Professor Paul Wilkinson, Director of the Centre for the Study of Terrorism and Political Violence.

Carl Bildt is best-known internationally for his outstanding contribution to peace in the Balkans. In June 1995, he became the EU’s Special Representative for the former Yugoslavia and Co-Chairman of the International Conference on the former Yugoslavia. At the Peace Implementation Conference in London in December 1995, he was appointed High Representative by the international community with responsibility for the implementation of the civilian parts of the Agreement for Peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina, a position from which he stepped down in June 1997.

He continues to play a major role in the search for peace in the Balkans. On 16 May 2000, he was keynote speaker at the high level conference on South-Eastern Europe hosted by current G8 Chair, Japan. On 23 May, the Peace Implementation Conference met in Brussels to re-evaluate the peace process in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Carl Bildt took part as representative of the UN, supporting his successor as High Representative in Sarajevo. On 23 June, the UN Security Council held a unique open debate on the situation in the Balkans which was briefed by Carl Bildt and EU High Representative Javier Solana.

The event, which will take place at 10.30am in Younger Hall, North Street, St Andrews, is part of a day long programme of events being organised jointly by Scotland’s first University, Fife Council and the local community including two public lectures, the traditional church service and a graduation ceremony. All of the events are open to students and public alike and are free of charge.

Further information can be obtained from the Events Office of the University of St Andrews on telephone 01334 462161.


NOTE TO EDITORS – Should you wish to attend the lecture by Carl Bildt, please contact Claire Grainger, contact details below, as soon as possible.

Issued by Beattie Media on behalf of the University of St Andrews For more information please contact Claire Grainger on 01334 462530, 07730 415 015 or email [email protected] Ref: standrewsday2000.2/standrews/chg/13 nov2000

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