Universe shines twice as bright
Astronomers discover that Universe is actually twice as bright than was previously thought.
Astronomers discover that Universe is actually twice as bright than was previously thought.
An international team of astrophysicists has, for the first time, discovered a star other than the Sun flipping its north and south magnetic poles.
University astronomers find two new planets, similar to Jupiter and Saturn.
Astronomers at St Andrews believe they can 'simplify the dark side of the Universe'.
New research led by a University of St Andrews astronomer has found evidence for what might be the raw material for the beginning of shrunken versions of our solar system.
Scientists at the University of St Andrews have carried out a new study of one of the oldest parts of the Galaxy. The collaboration between astronomers at St Andrews and UCLA (University of California Los Angeles) is the largest survey to date of the speed of stars within the 'Galactic bulge'.
Where do you inherit your hair colour from? What's inside your mobile phone? How does memory work? What would you look like if you had been born in the opposite sex? And, most bizarre of all, do chickens prefer beautiful humans?
CAPTION: HongSheng Zhao and the 'simple formula'. CREDIT: Tim Fitzpatrick.
CAPTION: Professor Andrew Collier Cameron, one of the St Andrews' scientists involved in the study.