Principal’s start of semester message
Principal Professor Dame Sally Mapstone FRSE wrote to all staff and students on Monday 8 January ahead of the start of the Candlemas Semester.
Principal Professor Dame Sally Mapstone FRSE wrote to all staff and students on Monday 8 January ahead of the start of the Candlemas Semester.
In a joint email to all staff and students this week (Friday 8 December), the Principal and Students’ Association reaffirmed that St Andrews has zero tolerance for racism or hate.
University of St Andrews Principal appointed next President of Universities UK (UUK).
The Principal wrote to all staff about a number of staffing changes and new posts within the wider ambit of the Principal's Office.
‘You can’t always get what you want’: the Principal and Vice-Chancellor gives her first graduation address
New Principal and Vice-Chancellor is installed
Email to all staff and students from incoming Principal, Professor Sally Mapstone, on her first day in office.
Our new Principal takes up post
Professor Sally Mapstone reassures staff and students.
Laureation by Patrick Mathewson, President of the Students’ Association, for Professor Louise Richardson FRSE, recipient of the Honorary Degree of Doctor of Letters