Search by tag: school of medicine

St Andrews on top form

The University's position as one of the world’s top universities has been reinforced with the publication of two benchmark league tables.

Fighting TB with light and sound

A UK-wide research team has developed an innovative way to monitor the reaction of living bacteria to antibiotics using lasers and sound.

COVID-19 symposium

Professors Garry Taylor and Frank Sullivan took part in a video symposium on COVID-19 with doctors in Beijing and Wuhan.


Early diagnosis institute

A new institute has been created to help improve earlier diagnosis of cancer, cardiovascular disease, mental health and infection.

£1m grant for health database

Professor Colin McCowan will lead an initiative for Health Data Research UK to build a national data resource for 'multimorbidity'.


New drug to fight cancer

A team of scientists at the University of St Andrews have used a genetic screening approach to investigate a potential new cancer treatment.