Ever to be the best
The University of St Andrews has been placed 4th in the UK and top in Scotland in the latest University league table published today (Tuesday 4 June 2013).
Consistently ranked one of the UK’s top ten over the last decade, St Andrews is judged to be the UK’s best multi-faculty university next to Oxbridge in the new Guardian University Guide (2014). Once again, it is the only Scottish university to feature in the top ten of the annual examination of the UK’s universities.
In the subject rankings, Anthropology is placed top in the UK, while History & History of Art is ranked joint top in the UK (with Cambridge). Ranked second top in the UK is Politics, alongside Physics which also shares second place with Lancaster. Classics is placed 3rd top in the UK.
Other top-ten rated subjects include: Chemistry, English and Earth & Marine Sciences (4th), Religious Studies & Theology and Maths (5th), Modern Languages & Linguistics and Philosophy (6th), Psychology (7th), Geography & Environmental Studies (9th) and Biosciences (10th).
Universities are ranked according to areas such as spending per student, student/staff ratio, graduate career prospects, grade requirements and how happy final-year students are with their courses, based on the annual National Student Survey.
The Guardian’s guide is the second league table published this year that places St Andrews top in Scotland. The Complete University Guide 2014, which marked the beginning of league table season when it was published in April, placed St Andrews 6th in the UK. The news followed the University being named top in Scotland for scientific performance in the prestigious Leiden Ranking 2013.
Principal and Vice-Chancellor Professor Louise Richardson said, “It’s a good result. The Guardian League Table has traditionally judged universities on the strength of teaching, student satisfaction and the academic achievement of students.
“To be ranked one of the top 5 in the UK is a reflection of the standards set by all who work and study in St Andrews.”
The full listing is available online at www.guardian.co.uk/education
Issued by the Press Office
Contact Gayle Cook, Senior Communications Manager on 01334 467227, email [email protected]
Ref: GUG 040613
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