Lifelong learning convention

Sunday 21 April 2002

The University of St Andrews is to host an information day for adults interested in higher education.

“Graduate to Learning” is being held in conjunction with partner universities, colleges and community learning providers throughout Fife and Tayside and will arm adults with the information they need to take their next step into higher education, whether it be a part- time degree, traditional full-time degree or college course.

The event will take place on Friday 17 May 2002 in Lower College Hall, St Salvator’s Quad, North Street, St Andrews with sessions between 10am and midday, 1pm until 3pm and 5pm until 7pm.

Co-organiser Nicky Haxell said, “The University is delighted to be hosting an event for adults who are thinking about higher education but need the information to take their plans forward. It will provide them with a chance to find out about university, college or community study and to see the vast range of courses available in the area. Guests will also be given the chance to attend short sessions on application procedures, student finances, access courses and access summer schools, together with the possibilities for part-time study including our own evening degree programme. Furthermore, they will get the chance to meet mature students, hear about their personal experiences and enjoy a guided tour of the University of St Andrews.”

It is expected that learning providers throughout the entire Fife and Tayside area will be represented at the event including the University of Abertay Dundee, Angus College, Careers Scotland, Dundee College, Elmwood College, Fife Childcare Partnership, Fife College, Fife Council Adult Guidance Service, Fife Council Community Education Service, Glenrothes College, Lauder College, Perth College and the University of Dundee. The event will take the form of a convention with each of the participating organisations represented by staff available to give information and answer questions.

For further information about the day, or about mature student entry into the University of St Andrews, please contact Nicky Haxell, Admissions: Continuing Education – telephone 01334 462203 or email [email protected].


NOTE TO EDITORS – Picture/interview opportunities will be available between 11am and midday on Friday 17 May 2002 – please contact Claire Grainger – contact details below – for more information.

Issued by Beattie Media on behalf of the University of St Andrews For more information please contact Claire Grainger on 01334 462530, 07730 415 015 or email [email protected] Ref: adulteducation/standrews/chg/22apri ll2002

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