University of St Andrews confirms case of Covid-19

Friday 13 March 2020

st andrews quad
In a message to students and staff, St Andrews Principal Professor Sally Mapstone said:

“Our primary concern is for our student, who is in self-isolation in St Andrews, receiving appropriate medical care and is recovering. Our Student Services team is in contact with them and providing support.

“The student had recently been in Switzerland and took ill the day after they returned to the UK. They self-isolated and contacted NHS 111 when symptoms first appeared.

“The student lives alone in private accommodation in St Andrews. We have been planning extensively for this eventuality for several weeks and our established protocols and advice have been closely followed.”

Professor Mapstone continued:

“We understand this development will cause concern amongst our students, staff and the wider community. It is however entirely expected given the rapidly evolving nature of the pandemic.”

“We have been advised by NHS Fife Health Protection Team that classes at the University should continue to take place today, which is the last day of teaching before the start of Spring Break.”

Earlier this week, students in St Andrews were advised to prepare for all teaching and assessment to take place online and teams of staff in St Andrews have been working to put in place the technology necessary to offer teaching and examinations remotely.

Issued by the University of St Andrews Communications Office.

Category Covid community response

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