Wife bitten by husband’s learning bug!

Monday 9 April 2001

One of the first success stories of the University of St Andrews part-time degree programme has passed the learning bug onto his wife.

Tommy Taylor was one of the first students to be enrolled on the evening degree programme after its recruitment launch in February 2000. He took up the challenge after several years of supporting his wife through her nursing training and caring for their children while working part-time from home.

Having taken the Information Technology modules, building upon his own expertise and interest in website design, he applied for full-time study at St Andrews, with a view to taking the University’s new BSc degree in Internet Computing.

Tommy said, “I’ve always had a general interest in computing and the internet and found the IT modules very interesting, informative and thoroughly enjoyable. I applied to enrol full- time on the Internet Computing degree as I find that, when I’m not at University studying, I’m teaching myself programming language and would embrace the more concrete knowledge and skills the University can provide for my future career.”

Meanwhile, his wife Frances, a psychiatric staff nurse, has now joined up for the evening degree programme, allowing her to combine university-level study with the demands of her job and family. Starting in September, she will initially take the English literature modules.

Frances said, “I’ve had the opportunity to observe my husband throughout the first year of his part-time degree and was impressed by the excellent support provided by the University tutors – not only to reach the deadlines for essays but the genuine encouragement for the student to succeed. I have been inspired to attempt the part-time degree myself, despite working full time, and therefore have a more positive outlook to study within a University environment.”

Places are still available on the Evening Degree programme for 2001. Prospectuses and application forms can be requested from Nicky Haxell, Evening Degree Co- ordinator, 66 North Street, St Andrews KY16 9PH – telephone 01334 462203.


Issued by Beattie Media on behalf of the University of St Andrews For more information please contact Claire Grainger on 01334 462530, 07730 415 015 or email [email protected] Ref: part- timedegree.husandwife/standrews/chg /10april2001


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