Search by tag: research

Bird of prey in flight against a blue sky by Andre Botha, 2015

African raptors in decline

An international team of researchers has found that Africa’s birds of prey are facing an extinction crisis.

Are we alone in the Universe?

Researchers from St Andrews, Germany and the USA join forces in a European Research Council funded project searching for life-friendly exoplanets..

The Devil Wears Prada

The eyes have it

“You are what you wear” is actually true, according to new research led by the School of Psychology and Neuroscience.

New molecule detects viruses

A PhD researcher studying microbes in the human gut has discovered a new molecule that acts as a ‘distress signal’ when viruses are detected.

St Andrews joins Turing University Network 

 The University of St Andrews has joined the Turing University Network, which brings together leading academic institutions with a shared commitment to advancing research, innovation, skills and engagement in data…

Two hands encircling a circle made of paper dolls

Dyslexia linked to mixed-handedness

Researchers from the University of St Andrews have collaborated with a multinational team of researchers from Greece, the Netherlands, Germany, and the UK to explore the intriguing connection between hand preference and

Esther Inglis Manuscript

Rare manuscript unveiled

A never-before seen 17th century manuscript by Scottish-based artisan Esther Inglis was unveiled at the University.

A wild New Caledonian crow (Corvus moneduloides) uses a stick tool to dislodge detritus as it searches for invertebrate prey

The code breakers

Cutting-edge machine-learning tools could provide transformative insights into the hidden lives of animals.