Search by tag: school of psychology and neuroscience

The psychology of life

Psychologists at the University of St Andrews will open their doors this weekend (13th March 2004) as part of National Science Week.

A virtual field trip into the wild

CAPTION: A screen capture of the computer simulation which will allow visitors to make a lightning "virtual field trip" to two different wild chimpanzee communities. CREDIT: Steve Smart

Psychologists open doors to the mind

CAPTION: An illustration of research at the School of Psychology - 3-D model faces accentuating (right) or diminishing masculine face shape. Researchers at St Andrews have used computer graphics to study facial attributions. Unexpectedly, women were found to prefer slightly feminised male faces. CREDIT: Professor David Perrett

Memory and the brain

One of the world's authorities on the neurobiology of learning and memory is to give a series of public lectures at the University of St Andrews.

Marrying your ‘parents’

Psychologists have found that humans select long-term partners who not only look like themselves, but look like their opposite sex parents.