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Student tutoring reception

Nearly 40 University of St Andrews students who have been supporting teachers in their classrooms are to be thanked at a special ceremony next week (Wednesday 2 May 2001).


A mobile chemistry lab is touring various schools throughout Tayside and Fife next week (Monday 20 - Friday 24 November 2000).

Stars in their eyes

The secrets of lasers, galaxies and stars were explored by a group of Tayside and Fife school pupils at a recent open day at the University of St Andrews.

University donation to theatre

The University of St Andrews is to donate £8,000 to the Byre Theatre next week (Tuesday 11 July 2000), thanks to the legacy of a world-renowned choreographer.

Reception for student tutors

Nearly 50 University of St Andrews students who have been supporting teachers in their classrooms are to be thanked at a special ceremony next week (Tuesday 2 May 2000).

High demand for part-time degrees

A part-time degree programme aimed at widening access to higher education has been bombarded with inquiries since its launch earlier this year.

Explore Science!

Children will get the chance to make their own electronic bagpipes, create their own slime and stargaze as part of the University of St Andrews' contribution to National Science Week.