Geoscientists investigate art rock movement
A St Andrews researcher is investigating the ancient Spanish rocks said to inspire surrealist artist Salvador Dali.
A St Andrews researcher is investigating the ancient Spanish rocks said to inspire surrealist artist Salvador Dali.
Dr Ian Alsop studying rock folds in Oman.
Researchers have discovered evidence for an ancient glaciation in old Caledonian rocks - a previously undiscovered finding which indicates that the planet froze over during the 'Snowball Earth' period nearly 700 million years ago.
CAPTION - Dr Alsop examining deformed marble near Carrara, northern Italy.
CAPTION: "Rocks forming the Scottish mainland may have moved hundreds of km towards the ancient crust of the Outer Hebrides to create a huge range of Caledonian Mountains 420 million years ago"
PIC CAPTION: Sheared rocks from Arctic Greenland which had originally been buried ~30 km below the Earth's surface more than 1 billion years ago. CREDIT: Dr Ian Alsop, University of St Andrews