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Licensing agreement for vital research

The Universities of St Andrews and Edinburgh have announced a licensing and commercialisation agreement with an emerging pharmaceutical company to develop medicine for the treatment of acute kidney failure.

Scientists of the future

Fifty keen young scientists from all over the UK will arrive at the University of St Andrews this weekend to participate in a Scottish Executive funded residential Chemistry Camp.

Chemistry: the vital element

Two hundred Chemistry teachers from every corner of Scotland will descend on the University of St Andrews today (Friday 30th May 2003) to learn about the latest developments in the world of chemistry and how they can take them back to their classrooms.

Teachers take techniques back to classrooms

Chemistry teachers from every corner of Scotland will descend on the University of St Andrews next week (Thursday 31 May 2001) to learn about the latest developments in the world of chemistry and how they can take them back to their classrooms.


A mobile chemistry lab is touring various schools throughout Tayside and Fife next week (Monday 20 - Friday 24 November 2000).

Chemistry in the classroom

Nearly 200 chemistry teachers from every corner of Scotland will descend on the University of St Andrews next month (Friday 9 June 2000) to learn about the latest developments in chemistry and how they can take them back to the classroom.