
LGBT+ life at St Andrews
For over 40 years the University has supported various LGBT groups at St Andrews who work to promote equality for all staff and students.

Crumbling coast: Saving Scotland's heritage
Archaeologists at St Andrews have brought local communities together to find solutions for saving some of Scotland's most endangered historical sites from coastal erosion.

A 20th-century bromance
It's 100 years since JM Barrie was elected Rector of the University of St Andrews. His Rectoral address was testament to an inspiring, and tragic, friendship with Captain Scott of the Antarctic.

The art of friendship
Emerson considered friendship in terms of “truth and tenderness”, Aristotle described friendship as the generous act of holding a mirror up to each other, Montaigne as a “holy name”, and Thoreau as “a grand stake for which the game of life may be played”.

The science of friendship
"No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main" – John Donne

Friendship between worlds
"We have things to say, and we believe we can say them best together."
Capturing friendship
Eve Arnold (Hon DLitt, 1997) and Marilyn Monroe

Balance for better
The theme for this year's International Women's Day - which calls for collective action and shared responsibility for driving a gender-balanced world - is #BalanceforBetter.

Living a good life with dementia
New methods of communicating with and entertaining people living with dementia have been developed through psychological research at St Andrews.

A line in the sand
On Friday 20 September 2019 students and staff stood side-by-side with school children, activists and local residents to join international climate strikes.

The 600th Anniversary Campaign
A celebration of how the University of St Andrews reached its £100 million fundraising target and what this has achieved.

Doorstep Saints
Summer in St Andrews is usually the time when graduating students and their families converge en masse to celebrate, graduate and reflect one last time on life in 'the bubble'.

Reflections of a Saint
A selection of Class of 2020 Winter Graduates share their thoughts on graduation in the time of Covid and, perhaps most importantly, the value of a hug.

St Andrews Can Do
In a time when most of us were being told what we couldn't do, the University of St Andrews took the bold step of taking on a new 'Can Do' mantra during the Covid-19 outbreak.

St Andrews Can Do: Getting outside
We can still gather together and still do some of the things that make life feel more normal. We just have to do it in a safe way. We're also really lucky that in St Andrews we have so many amazing outdoor spaces.

St Andrews Can Do: Connection
"The offering of events and activities throughout the year has really helped people to feel part of St Andrews and helped to counteract some of the isolation, stress and upset caused by the current restrictions."

St Andrews Can Do: Meaning
From delivering essential supplies and cleaning up around town to students walking dogs for those unable to leave the house, hundreds of selfless acts combined to reflect the true spirit of the St Andrews' community.

Royal Reunion
As a special marker of their ten-year anniversary, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge returned to the place where it all started 20 years ago when they were undergraduates of the University of St Andrews.

Beginning to see the light
For the third time in the University's history, 1,900 graduating students will be conferred their degrees online. With restrictions starting to lift, our graduating students shared moments of their Covid-19 experience.

Learning in the time of Covid
Following a switch to virtual teaching in Spring 2020, a small cohort of students finally returned to in-person teaching a few months later, with the remainder completing their studies wherever they were in the world.

Promise delivered
Popular legend has it that during a visit to NASA in 1961, President John F. Kennedy came across a janitor working late, mopping floors. "What are you doing working at this hour?" JFK inquired. "Mr President, I'm putting a man on the Moon," was the proud reply. We may not be blasting anyone into orbit…